Category assignment

Notes2 allows the assignment of a category to a note.
The ability to assign a category to a note answers the question 'Where are certain data located.'

Assembling (retrieving) notes for a particular category can improve decision making, assist in managing the life cycle of data, identify sensitive data for protection against hacking such as vendor information, bank records, intellectual and personal data [See Hacking Protection-Encrypt/Decrypt individual notes], provide a To Do list and improve user access times.

Each user will create their own Table of Categories (from QuickSearch screen, select Categories and then Category Table).

When a note is Added, clicking the Save button saves the note and displays the Changes screen for that note, which allows selection from this table for the field Category.

All notes in a category are selected from the QuickSearch screen and displayed in any of 6 orders with one line per note. Clicking the asterisk in left hand column will bring up the full display of the note on the Changes screen where editing can be done.

Many notes may not be worth the effort to categorize them and can remain uncategorized.

When a user decides to review his database of notes, perhaps adding and changing category assignments, editing can more efficiently be done from a computer with its larger screen and keyboard.

A simple list of Categories:
Tax Planning
To Do

You might have a note for each person in your family for the Family category.
You could have a note for each of things you want to do with the category of To Do. Then when you select that category in QuickSearch you have a list of current To Do tasks. As you do them, Remove them (Changes screen). As new ones come up, dictate a new note and assign it to the To Do category.
Updated 6jul19 jdr